

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:    To provide guidance to 韦德体育app官网 (University) personnel proposing  programs to be sponsored by the University for foreign study or other academically related international travel.

政策:     Student travel programs outside of the United States are part of the University's educational mission.  处理承担此类旅行和相关风险所需的问责制, 必须遵守本文所载的程序. 

适用范围及适用性:    大学全体教员, 教职员及学生, 以及任何非大学旅行参与者, 必须遵守这项政策吗. 



计划组织者: The University employee(s) responsible for administering an approved  program for foreign study or other academically related travel.

项目参与者: 大学生、客座学生、教职员工和任何其他与会者.

主办部门: The University department or academic unit responsible for oversight of the program for foreign study or other academically related international travel.

大学赞助活动: 就本政策而言, University Sponsored Event means any program for foreign study or other academically related international travel required to be approved by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs 和 Provost (Provost), 或被任命者.

大学学生: Students enrolled in a course or courses at the University during the study abroad or active students eligible to register for classes.




在首次提供大学赞助活动之前, the Sponsoring Department must describe the details of the program in an outline that includes but is not limited to the following:

1. 项目目的

2. 建议行程

3. 潜在的参与者群体

4. 预算. 必须查明资金来源. 申请资助该计划的资金应直接向适当的教务长提出.

5. 列表, 包括韦德体育app官网, 个人的, 机构, 以及负责旅行安排的组织.

6. 其他相关信息,包括获得的大学学分.

7. 如果拟议的项目涉及到美国法律规定的地点旅行.S. 国务院三级旅行建议.状态.政府和/或疾病控制和预防中心的2级旅行警报.政府, an explanation of how the program will provide for the safety 和 security of participants specified in the advisory or alert is required.  涉及本科生前往美国旅游项目.S. State Department Level 4 travel advisory 和/or a Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention Level 3 travel alert will not be approved.  


1. 将计划大纲提交给适当的院长初步批准.

2. Forward the Dean-approved outline to the Director of International Education in the Global Engagement Office for review 和 consultation.

3. 向教务长提供初步批准和审查的大纲, 或被任命者, 最后审批.

Proposals should be submitted no later than the beginning of the semester prior to the semester in which the program will occur so that the Program Organizers have sufficient time to recruit participants after the program’s approval.


一旦一个项目被批准, the Sponsoring Department must work with the respective unit business manager to establish a dedicated fund to account for all revenue 和 expenditures associated with the program.  所有的学习项目都必须有一个明确的基金.


一旦项目被教务长批准, 或被任命者, the Sponsoring Department must work with the Global Engagement Office 和 with the Purchasing Office to make travel arrangements, 支付项目费用, 并采购项目所需的其他服务. The Sponsoring Department must submit a purchase requisition 和 a copy of the approved plan outline to Purchasing, 连同任何有关价格和服务的建议旅行社的信息, 建议行程, 或特殊要求. 如果适用,必须包括使用唯一来源供应商提供服务的理由.

在某些情况下, 赞助部门可能会考虑与合作伙伴(航空公司)合作, 海外课程提供者),他们将方便学生直接支付个人费用. 采购部门必须批准任何此类安排.

这类旅行的组织者和参与者也受到要求 OU美联社&p# 1000采购OU美联社&p# 1200旅行.

The Sponsoring Department must work with the Global Engagement Office 和 with Student 业务 Services (SBS) to determine the best 和 most appropriate method to receive payment from program participants. 可能的方法包括通过学生账户支付学生账单, 市场, 或其他经SBS识别的车辆.

付款的接收和处理必须符合规定 OU美联社&P #210现金收据. Depositing funds into a bank account other than an established University account is prohibited by OU美联社&P #210现金收据.  所有收据必须存入专门的计划基金, 在公开大学出纳处或通过SBS建立的其他方式.


The Sponsoring Department must work with the Global Engagement Office 和 with the Office of 风险管理 to determine appropriate insurance coverage by overseas partners.

所有的旅行者都必须参加大学的国外旅行保险计划. 参与者必须在出发前至少两周注册,并可在网上注册 风险管理 网站.

It is the responsibility of the Sponsoring Department to confirm with 风险管理 that all participants are enrolled in the University's foreign travel insurance program before departure.


至少在出发前两个月, the Sponsoring Department must contact the 韦德体育app官网 Police Department (OUPD) for Clery Act compliance review.  出发前,全球参与办公室将向OUPD提交以下内容:  





至少在出发前两周, all student participants will complete registration on the online study abroad application system maintained by the Global Engagement Office. 

全球参与办公室将向风险管理办公室提交以下文件, 以及俄亥俄州立大学警察局

•所有参与者的花名册,包括联系信息, 紧急韦德体育app官网, 学生身份证号, 如果适用的话
• A group itinerary including pertinent contact information for each phase of the travel outside the United States


在一个项目被批准之后, the Global Engagement Office will assist with the distribution of flyers 和 promotional material.


All travelers are required to sign the 旅客豁免和保持无害协议 (Appendix A) 和 the Emergency Contact Form (Appendix B).  这些表格将保存至少三(3)年,从项目之日起.  未提交表格的旅行者将不被允许参加.


如果大学要求的话, all travelers must participate in a foreign travel orientation provided by the Sponsoring Department at least two weeks before departure. 全球参与办公室可以协助培训.

教师 和 staff who are leading an OU study abroad program for the first time must participate in a program leader training session delivered by the Global Engagement Office.  鼓励以前领导过出国留学项目的教职员工参加.  


一旦程序被批准并成功运行, 课程的继续需要得到相应院长的批准. Re-approval by the Provost to repeat a program is not required but all other procedures noted in this policy must be followed for each successive program.

Program Organizers must notify the Global Engagement Office 和 the Office of 风险管理 each time the program will be repeated.


如果一个项目在获得批准后,目的地受到美国签证的限制.S. State Department Level 3 or Level 4 travel advisory 和/or a Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention Level 2 or Level 3 travel alert, 必须立即通知教务处.  教务长, 与全球参与办公室合作, 将决定旅行是否仍然被允许.  如果目的地受到美国海关的限制.S. State Department Level 4 travel advisory 和/or a Centers for Disease Control 和 Prevention Level 3 travel alert, undergraduate travel will not be permitted 和 programs involving undergraduate students will be cancelled.  

在国外的紧急情况下(自然灾害、政治动荡、学生健康问题等).),必须立即通知风险管理办公室和全球参与办公室. 如果风险管理和/或全球参与无法使用,请通知OUPD.  教职员工领导的项目必须始终遵循公开大学的健康和安全指导方针.  


OU美联社&P #210现金收据

OU美联社&p# 1000采购

OU美联社&p# 1200旅行



附录A: 旅客豁免和保持无害协议